
As we move into July, we continue our light puppet show and digital orchestra project, Into The Shadow Realm, with the Access Digi-Base group on Tuesdays, with the Base Juniors continuing the Poetry In Motion performance project on Wednesdays alongside our regular Knit & Natter Girls Group. On Thursdays, the Base Productions crew are starting the new professional approaches filmmaking project focusing on positive body image, Inside Out, starting on July 4th, with 2 bonus Monday sessions on 8th and 15th July before the shoots during the summer holidays. Speaking of which, our Base Juniors and Access Digi-Base 2024 Summer programme has been finalised and is available below...

All are free to attend but contact us for full info on how to join for each, and full info can be found in our schedule below.

To find out more info (All activities are free to attend, but spaces are limited and require membership form to be completed in addition to registering - download below) contact Conor on or 07985692369 for full info

Check out the full July programme schedule above (Click the image or HERE for a Hi Res PDF)

For any other information or questions, please contact Conor Lynch on or 07985692369

Download a Base membership form HERE. Membership is required to attend half term activities and trips

Forthcoming Key Dates: 

    Check out the full summer programme schedule above (Click the image or HERE for a Hi Res PDF)

  • Base Juniors - 30th July to 16th August. Register your interest  HERE
  • Access Digi-Base - 20th August to 23rd August. Register your interest HERE


Reed Map

Key Links Header

Download a Base membership pack here

View our database of support services and information for young people here

View our Base members complaints policy here

View our Base members confidentiality policy here

View our Safeguarding policy here and procedure here

Follow us on instagram here

Follow us on soundcloud here

Follow us on mixcloud here