Using theatre as a form of therapy - "Top Hat" at The Reed

Rah Rah Theatre

The Rah Rah Theatre Company was set up by Jude Spooner and Gemma Beagley in 2001, with the ambition to take theatre into the community and make an impact, in particular using theatre to raise awareness for Social Change as well as a form of therapy.  

The company is specialised in physical theatre, audience interaction and using drama therapy techniques, with all materials being original and productions being brought directly into theatres, schools, care centres, community spaces, and outdoor events

With a long history (over 12 years) visiting the Kensington Day Centre (The Reed), the lovely Rah Rah team has recently involved participants in the "Top Hat" production, receiving a great deal of appreciation both from members and staff.

"The shows we provide there", we are told by the Rah Rah Company, "are from our community theatre repertoire. They have been designed with a focus on reminiscence and using theatre as a form of therapy. We believe laughter is by far the best cure!  The productions are interactive and aim to encourage audiences to join in as much as possible so as to create a memorable experience."

Such theatre productions also represent a great opportunity for members to talk and interact with the Rah Rah Company's team, not to mention occasions in which they are also involved during the show, for example being part of a joke, enjoying a dance or.. delighted in being flirted with!

For more information or to book a show, please visit the Rah Rah Company's website: