Can you help us bring more people together?

Thursday 25 May 2017
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Over the last six months, we have piloted a series of coffee mornings each Friday at a café on Edgware Road. Designed to involve people in the Church Street ward of Westminster, an area we identified as having a high number of older people who felt isolated, these events offer a relaxed opportunity for friendships to form.

The mornings have involved a lively group of six to eight older people who share memories and stories each week. One of the attendees, Estelle, says: "Coffee mornings are absolutely terrific and a wonderful chance for people who have never met before to become friends."

Following on from this successful pilot, we hope to introduce similar events to other areas this year.

To find out how you can support this project by donating or volunteering, please go to work/older_and_vulnerable_people

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